45th MLK Day Celebration from Southern Dutchess Coalition Returns with 9th Parade

The Southern Dutchess Coalition will host the 45th Annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration at the historical Springfield Baptist Church at 8 Mattie Cooper Square, Beacon, New York, where the Rev. Dr. Ronald O. Perry, Sr. is the Pastor.

Festivities include morning mingling, the 9th Annual Community “Dr. King Peace Parade,” an addition added by the famous Beacon resident, the late Pete Seeger, followed by a Talent Presentation, and Award Ceremony.

The Annual SDC Celebration Service will feature the SDC Community Mass Choir and the Rev. John Perez, Pastor of the Faith Temple COGIC, Beacon, NY will give the annual Celebration Address.

Participants are encouraged to arrive at 8am. Parade line up is at 9:30am. People are encouraged to bring positive peace flags, posters and banners to carry in the parade. For those who would like to or need to ride, cars will be available as an alternative to walking.

Parade Route

The parade will start in front of the church, East on Mattie Cooper Square/Church Street, head South (right) on North Walnut Street (Key Food), then West (right) on Main Street (Max's on Main), followed by North (right) on Willow Street (M+T Bank), and finally East (right) back onto Mattie Cooper Square, returning to the church.

Talent Presentation

After the parade, in the Springfield Baptist Church Sanctuary, there will be a Talent Presentation, featuring various musical, poetry, dance and drama presentations.

Yearly presenters include Health Minister and RN, Lydia Pelote Wright, who will share vital information for healthy living. Several City, County and State Officials will be in attendance.

SDC 2023 Person Of The Year Awards

The Southern Dutchess Coalition will present the 2nd SDC Person Of The Year Awards. The recipients for 2023 will be:

  • Sue Serino

  • Rev. Dr. Ronald O. Perry

  • Lemon Anderson

  • Wayne Griffin

  • Howard Goins

  • Niomi Hart

  • John and Priscilla Kelly

Jeanette Shelton-Briscoe, one of the founders of the Southern Dutchess Coalition, will present and discuss her new book “From Duck Hill to Fishkill.”

Eviction Timeline Uncertain at 925 Wolcott Ave, As is Tenant's Possible Work/Trade/Board Agreement With Landlord When Served With Eviction

Evictions look different than this house debris at 925 Wolcott. An eviction of a person, group of people or family looks like all of their stuff outside on the sidewalk. Their vacuum cleaner, washer and dryer maybe, boxes of stuffed animals and clothes. Sometimes these items are soggy and wet after days of sitting outside in the rain.

Soggy stuff on the front lawn and sidewalk is what it looked like when a recent Beacon elementary school student’s family was evicted days before the holidays. Their things were outside for the entire community to see.

The day before their eviction, the student’s playmates asked them at the end of the school day: “Can you play tomorrow?” The student answered: “I don’t know. My mom says that we are moving tomorrow if we can’t find a new place today.” The students accepted the answer at face value, while the parents who heard the student’s answer doubted the precise nature of it. Perhaps the student was parroting an exasperated claim by their parents. Wishfull thinking.

The next day, the student’s family’s things were indeed on the sidewalk, looking like this house debris in the picture above, but in the reverse. The house was in tact, but their stuff looked like debris.

Note: To answer a reader’s question: This story is an example of what an eviction can look like. It is not illustrating the burning of this house by a former tenant on the day of his own eviction hearing. The rest of that story is below.

Note: To answer a reader’s question: it is unknown if the owner of the student’s house and the owner of 925 Wolcott Avenue are the same owner. This story is to illustrate an eviction, and what that looks like from an owner’s house perspective that is standing with their tenant’s personal possessions outside, and an owner’s house that has been destroyed by the tenant that the owner is seeking eviction on.

The Intended Eviction of Brian P. Atkinson

The picture above is a reverse eviction. The tenant of 925 Wolcott Avenue, Brian P. Atkinson, was arrested for arson after setting the house he lived at on fire the day he was due in court for an eviction hearing. This fire endangered many people, required multiple fire departments to control, destroyed one property, and damaged two other properties.

Several locals familiar with the situation said that he turned himself in, which was later confirmed by the City of Beacon Police in an article. The building’s owner, Yeshia Berger, who also owns the multi-unit house across the street at 916 Wolcott Avenue, told A Little Beacon Blog that Brian was caught on camera, removing the camera shortly before the house caught fire. The fire was so hot it almost melted a firetruck and did damage two neighboring houses. A gasoline-sniffing dog was used to investigate the debris. The flames were so so high, they could be seen across the Hudson River in Newburgh.

Brian, it was later learned after the first media reports came out about the fire, was due in Beacon City Court that Tuesday for his eviction hearing. The newspaper, The Highlands Current, had called the Beacon City Courts to acquire information and learned of his court date. When the building owner spoke with A Little Beacon Blog, he stated that the person who set the house on fire was a prior tenant was not living there anymore.

People familiar with Brian’s living habits, including neighbors who could see the property, confirmed that Brian had been on the property during the day and night right up until the fire, collecting trash and maintaining the property. A light would be on at night, indicating he was living inside. Locals say he was a skilled carpenter, and had been “hired” recently by the building owner.

Locals and the Police Report say that the house was under construction, and had been stripped to the studs inside. However, the Police Report says that the house was unoccupied. According to neighbors and locals, Brian was known to be living there. And in fact, may have experienced the power shut off on that Monday.

Midhudson News reported that renovations had begun on the house, but were stopped by the City of Beacon. A Little Beacon Blog has filed a FOIL to gain access to the permit for construction, and the City of Beacon’s stop-work notice, if either exist.

Neighbors have confirmed that construction work had begun on the house to fix the front porch. The City of Beacon’s Building Department nor City Administrator have not responded to questions on this matter. Perhaps they will divulge during a public City Council Meeting.

According to information obtained by The Highlands Current, Brian had been served with an eviction hearing on December 21, 2022, citing unpaid rent. His hearing was set for Tuesday, January 3, 2023. Some locals indicated that he was in agreement with the building owner to provide services for the house in trade for living there. It is not clear then, how soon after he completed his last task, that an eviction notice was given to him.

The Torching of 925 Wolcott Avenue As Metaphor For Housing Crisis

While torching anything is wrong and not justified, the igniting of 925 Wolcott Avenue has come to represent a literal expressing of “burn it all down” when people reach the end of what they see as a broken system.

This fire has lit up the Beacon community to use this situation as illustrative of the housing crisis Beacon is experiencing - and has been experiencing since its settlement, as different people move in over the decades. But now, is hitting different classes and races, so different voices are speaking out.

Questions that arise include:

  • Why are people’s names not included on property companies, making it hard to find the people who own a building?

  • Does the City of Beacon regularly inspect the interior of rental units to make sure they are safe and humane? Movement is being made on short term rentals for Airbnb, but what about long term rentals? The long-term rental market is a quieter market who usually fears the landlord and does not make complaints. Unlike Airbnb, where there is a public platform for renters to write reviews about their rental units, and owners can write reviews about renters.

  • The City of Beacon may have stopped work on outside construction because it did not conform to laws, but were the people living inside OK this day, and years prior?

  • How far do people want local and state government to go, because there is already overreach? How is this all to work? With so many already existing laws that leave some people invisible?

Eviction Hearing and Tenants Rights

After much protest and arguments by residents of the City of Beacon in 2021, the City did enter into an agreement with Legal Services of the Hudson Valley to assist people facing eviction. Most people might not know about it, if they missed a single news report about it.

The information for how to use the tool designed for tenets rights is buried in the City’s website in a blog post dated March 2022 (as opposed to being front and center on the City’s home page, since losing one’s home is such a traumatic event).

You can find those legal assistance services here, which includes a direct phone line for Beacon residents. People are encouraged to call, even if they fear their landlord and assume they don’t have much time to find a new place.

It is unknown if any of the tenants of 925 Wolcott Avenue who were told to leave their boarding rooms by the landlord prior to the fire pursued legal help. The benefits of Legal Services of the Hudson Valley include attempting to connect someone with rent arrears assistance. However, some tenant/landlord agreements or leases are verbal or do not meet the standards of what a rent arrears assistance program requires, so some people do not even try to get this help.

If a new building owner wants everyone out, there are ways to do this, including:

  • Paying people to help them move.

  • Giving them time to move once notice is given.

  • Helping them find a new location.

Buying property is tricky. Once new financing is in place, often rent has to go up to sustain it, and repairs need to be done to the property. Math. Additionally, tact.

Arrested Arson Suspect of 925 Wolcott Avenue Fire Was Scheduled For Eviction Hearing Day Of Fire

The house at 925 Wolcott Avenue once known as “The Gate House,” and known for being a boarding house, has been demolished after being allegedly set on fire by previous tenant.

As first reported by the Highlands Current, 56 year old Brian P. Atkinson, who has been arrested for arson for the fire of the boarding home at 925 Wolcott Avenue on Tuesday, January 3, 2023, was due in Beacon City Court that same day for an eviction hearing, as stated in court records obtained by the Highlands Current. The fire destroyed the house and caused heat damage to two neighboring houses. 925 Wolcott has since been demolished, one day after the fire.

The newspaper reported: “According to court records, Atkinson was scheduled to be in City Court on Tuesday for eviction proceedings which had been filed against him for non-payment of rent on Dec. 21 by the building’s landlord.” It is not clear yet for how long the non-payment of rent is being disputed.

As told to A Little Beacon Blog by the building’s current owner, who stated that he purchased the building 6 months ago, there was no one living in the building at the time of the fire, including Brian.

According to the Beacon Police in a press release, the building was “unoccupied as it was currently under construction.” The Beacon Police also said Brian was “undomiciled.”

According to reporting by Mid Hudson News, construction on the house had been stopped by the City of Beacon. ALBB awaits comment from the City of Beacon’s Building Inspector Bruce Flower or City Administrator Chris White on that reporting.

Beacon Police Department Confirms Arson In 925 Wolcott Ave. Fire After Dutchess County Investigation Division Investigates

After sunset on the day that 925 Wolcott was allegedly set fire before sunrise, the Beacon Police Department released arrest details of the suspect in a press release issued by Detective Sergeant Jason Johnson #315 at approximately 5pm on January 3, 2023. The press release reads as follows:

On 1/3/2023 at approximately 06:25am, the City of Beacon Police along with City of Beacon Fire Department responded to 925 Wolcott Avenue for a fully engulfed fire. The building was determined to be unoccupied as it was currently under construction. Two nearby residences sustained exterior heat damage. The Dutchess County Fire Investigation Division was contacted and also responded. An investigation revealed that the fire was in fact arson and previous tenant Brian P. Atkinson was subsequently arrested. Atkinson is 56 years old and currently undomciciled. He was charged with the following:

  • Arson 3rd (1 count) Class C Felony

  • Reckless Endangerment 1st (2 counts) Class D Felony

  • Criminal Mischief 2nd (2 counts) Class D Felony

The defendant was processed and he is currently awaiting to be arraigned in Beacon City Court.

The press release did not mention if the suspect had turned himself in, as stated by other reports and the building owner. The Beacon Police Department did not respond to ALBB’s request for that confirmation as of this publishing.

“Undomiciled,” according to Urban Dictionary, means: “Housing challenged. The politically correct way of saying one is homeless. props to dforce for this one.”

Additionally, Beacon’s Building Department or City Administrator did not respond to ALBB’s request for confirmation if the construction had indeed stopped prior to the fire per the City of Beacon’s issuance, as reported in the Mid Hudson News. If ALBB learns more from the building owner, this article will be updated.

ALBB previously reported on this story here.

Raging Fire Destroys Multi-Unit House Under Renovation In Alleged Arson (925 Wolcott Avenue)

Photos Posted by the Beacon Fire department. See all of them here.

At 6:35am, flames and smoke at 925 Wolcott Avenue could be seen above roofs of neighboring houses.

On the morning of Tuesday, January 3, 2023, between 6am and 6:30am according to neighboring residents who called 911, the house at 925 Wolcott Avenue known to longtime Beaconites as “The Guest House” because it was a group home, was engulfed in a raging fire, which destroyed all 3 floors. According to Zillow, the house had 9 bedrooms and 9 bathrooms.

According to those at the scene, there was no one living inside of the house at the time of the fire. The house had been purchased 6 months ago, according to the new owner, and was under renovation.

First responders could not yet confirm that there were no injuries, but they indicated that no one had been inside to need assistance. By 9:30am, once the fire was contained and smoke remained, fire fighters began searching the rubble to make sure no one was inside, as they searched for “hot spots” to continue to put out. Also at that time, Beacon’s City Administrator Chris White could be seen exiting the scene.

Flames at 925 Wolcott Avenue in Beacon could be seen high above trees and houses from Newburgh in the early morning before sunrise.
Photo Credit: Mid Hudson News, Anastasis Amanatides

At 6:35am, flames and smoke could be seen above roofs of neighboring houses. According to one resident who called 911 at approximately 6:35am, other people had also called in to report the fire. According to that resident, no sirens were immediately heard approaching, even though they may have arrived at the building already.

UPDATE 1/6/2023: Other readers did recall hearing sirens. It was a multi-agency event, so several first responders from different communities were there.

The fire was so hot at 925 Wolcott Avenue, it peeled the vinyl off the neighboring house.

In Beacon, during slow periods on the road, or in quiet hours, emergency response units have been known to flash their lights but not their sirens, perhaps out of noise consideration.

According to first responders at the scene, they arrived at 6:30am to fight the fire. Several fire departments assisted as mutual aid, including Rombout, Fishkill, Glenham, and others. Those at the scene said the blaze was so hot, that it almost melted a fire truck.

UPDATE 1/6/2023: Other readers did recall hearing sirens. It was a multi-agency event, so several first responders from different communities were there.

UPDATE 1/6/2023: As reported by the Highlands Current, first responders included: firefighters from the Village of Fishkill, Castle Point and Glenham. Both of Beacon’s ambulance services, Ambulnz and Beacon Volunteer Ambulance, assisted. the Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office and MTA police also assisted. Rombout and Chelsea firefighters provided standby coverage in the city. The fire is being investigated by the Beacon Police, the Dutchess Sheriff’s Office and the Dutchess Fire Investigation Division.

The fire’s heat did peel vinyl siding off the neighboring house, and those residents were vacated from their home while the fire was put out near their home with water. Central Hudson poles on the sidewalk near the house were also burned.

Central Hudson was also on the scene to find the gas line under the ground to shut it off to prevent any gas leak. They began digging using a private contractor trained in such excavation.

Beacon City School District Administrative building is nearby, as is Sargent Elementary School. Containment of the blaze was ongoing during the morning arrival of students via bus, car and those who walk. Sargent Elementary PTO issued an update via Instagram to those transporting to expect delays, and that the drop off circle was not in use, but that the school was not physically impacted by the fire.

According to Mid Hudson News, the 3rd floor of the house collapsed. Experts on the scene predicted the entire building would need to be demolished.

Alleged Cause Of The Fire

According to those at the scene, arson was suspected by fire fighters, who called in the Dutchess County Fire Investigation Division, who reportedly prefers to not use the word “arson” in their title anymore. Their truck is labeled Dutchess County Emergency Response Field Support Unit. A black dog trained to sniff for gasoline was seen exploring the scene.

Inside, the house had been stripped to the studs. According the building’s owner who spoke to A Little Beacon Blog, the suspect had turned himself in for setting the fire. According to the owner, the suspect could be seen removing a security camera before allegedly pouring gasoline throughout the house. The owner said the suspect had been a tenant in the boarding house prior, but did not live there now. ALBB reached out to Beacon Police Chief Sands Frost and City Administrator Chris White for confirmation and/or comment, and has not yet received a response.

UPDATE 1/6/2023: The Highlands Current reported in the print version of their article published after the online version was published: “Police said he walked to the department and turned himself in immediately after starting the fire. He is in custody at the Dutchess County jail in Poughkeepsie and is scheduled for a preliminary hearing at 10 a.m. in Beacon today (Jan. 6).”

According to Beacon City Court when ALBB followed up, that preliminary hearing got adjourned and postponed to the following week, the date still to be released.

UPDATE 1/3/2023 5pm: The Beacon Police Department issued a Press Release confirming arson. Read it here.

According to reporting by Mid-Hudson News: “The property had recently been sold and construction was being performed at the property until the project was shut down by city officials.” A Little Beacon Blog has reached out to Beacon’s Building Department Inspector Bruce Flower and the City Administrator Chris White for comment and has not yet received a response.

As the building’s owner looked at the wreckage, he reflected to ALBB that it was a landmark. When asked if he had plans to designate it historic, he answered that he did not. As for any historic designation, ALBB reached out to Beacon’s City Planner John Clark, who said: “So sorry to hear about the fire. This building, although old enough, is not included in the City's Historic District and Landmark Overlay Zone and, as far as I know, not on the National Register of Historic Places. It was also not on a list of residential buildings considered last year for the HDLO, which concentrated on properties closer to Main Street.”

Longtime residents of Beacon remember 925 Wolcott Avenue as a boarding house for men. Old pictures show the condition of the inside of the house, including notes residents wrote to each other, as well as architectural details.


Tenants of the house had left each other common area notes, according to old photos on Zillow. These say: “Please THINK! ALL of us here must share common “stuff” such as toilets, showers, sinks, one stove. Be kind and clean up any messes you make” The note was signed with a smiley face.

Another note says, in all caps, indicating importance: “Unused stove burners not be considered.The back left burner is used less often. It needs to be covered up when you cook. This reduces fat and grease buildup.”

The third note instructs in green marker: “Please don’t touch any of the heaters.”

It is not known when the last time the building was inspected while people lived inside of it, before it was purchased and gutted.

Tips can be sent to the Beacon Police Department and to A Little Beacon Blog.

How's That Weather? | Retail Therapy Guide 12/23/2022

Happy Hanukkah to those who have been observing this week. The festival of lights does warm everyone's hearts. Some of you may be traveling or winding down a busy week of last minute work deadlines and shopping deadlines. Give yourself some space to just be, and enjoy moments of silence. 

ALBB is traveling on holiday, and left early while the sun was shining before the weather started. We're in the Midwest, and today is icy all around, covered by snowfall, and is -2. Won't be going anywhere for a while. Thank goodness for leftovers! And power. And water. And hot water.

Last minute shopping doesn't have to be stressful! Especially when you're in Beacon - Beacon is filled with the best shops ever - which are open! Unlike in other parts of the country right now.

Know what is an easy gift? Gift Certificates. Search ALBB's Beauty Guide. We are giving Gift Certificates of a Brow Shaping from The Blushery, a Hair Styling from Sullivan and Main, and we walked into The Green Room for the original Moroccan Hair Oil. Gift Certs from any of these categories is a win: good food, small unique shops, or to get beautified!

And OMG there is a Free Eye Exam from Luxe Optique happening right now! Ending soon. Scroll down to learn more.

Book those New Year's Eve dinner reservations! Places have been filling up already.

We want to emphasize a special message from our team - as we're winding down the year and looking into 2023, remember to approach resolutions and goals with a sense of love, kindness, and compassion for YOU. You are amazing just as you are and if you do not want to change, you do not have to change!


Book an Event Promotion Advertising spot here.
You can sponsor this Event Guide with your event, for extra promotion of it!
If you'd like to guarantee to see your entertainment event listed here,
click here for more info >
Edited and Written By Teslie Andrade and Katie Hellmuth Martin


Holiday Gingerbread Barn Building
Friday, December 23, 2022
Time: 10:30 am - 12 pm
Location: Stony Kill Foundation, Inc., 79 Farmstead Lane, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
Families with kids age 3+! $25 per gingerbread barn. Join us in the barn classroom for a fun morning with your family as we construct a sweet gingerbread barn. We will tour the livestock barn for inspiration, then head indoors to start our masterpieces! Staff will be on hand to help families with assembly. Your decorated barn goes home with you to enjoy for the holidays.
Information >

American Red Cross: Babysitting Certification Course
Days: Wednesday, December 28, 2022 & Thursday, December 29, 2022
Time: 11am-4pm
Location: 23 West Center St., Beacon, NY
CPR/AED/First Aid
Information >

Check our Calendar and Events Guide regularly for upcoming events throughout the week!

ALBB's Restaurant Guide to show you which restaurants are open on Mondays!
See it here >

It's always a pleasure eating and drinking your way through Beacon, so we created this guide to help you know where to eat and drink as you explore the town. Feature your restaurant/eatery in the guide & be featured in this weekly newsletter! Promote your seasonal dishes/drinks, specials, events, etc. Click here for more details >

288 Main Street, Beacon, NY
A glimpse at the goodness over at Dulce Cielo Mexico! Tacos, enchiladas, quesadillas y fajitas con espalda de puerco asada, pollo, pico de gallo, mole negro, rojo, guacamole y totopos de maiz y trigo. YUM! Stop in the HV Food Hall & visit all of the amazing foodies! 
Follow HV Food Hall's foodies:
Miz Hattie's BBQ: Southern Style BBQ, from North Carolina. Order ahead via their Toast-app menu!
El Nica: Nicaraguan Food
Roosevelt Bar: Cocktail Bar
Shmuck's Sweet Stuff: Local Ice Cream, Hot Waffles, and Other Sweet Stuff
Hudson Shawarma: Falafels, shawarma, baklava, and platters 
Ciao Chow - Hand made pasta and fried rice
Dulce Cielo Mexico: authentic Mexican street food with vegetarian and vegan options.
Hudson Valley Food Hall is a Sponsor, thank you!

BAJA 328
328 Main Street, Beacon, NY
At Baja, only the freshest top of the line ingredients are used - for both dishes and for cocktails. The place to go for delicious dinners, delectable drinks, and delightful desserts. But also... Baja serves 130+ of the best tequilas in the Hudson Valley! Here's what we're enjoying right now... For starters, the Grilled Street Corn for only $7 - comes with Cotija Cheese / Chipotle Crema / Peppered Trio / Lime. Entree? Ugh, thats tough! It's a toss up between the Cajun Chicken Taco made with 
Black Beans/ Pico de Gallo / Cojita Cheese / Chipotle Ranch OR the Cabo Burger made with Cabo Wabo Marinated / Onion / Mushrooms Cheddar Cheese / Avocado. That's only if we're not getting a quesadilla! Kids menu available. Dessert too! OH & mocktails! Need a gift card? Stop in! 
Check out the specials >
PS: Happy Hour Tues-Fri 4-6pm
Check out their specialty drinks > 
BAJA 328 is a Sponsor, thank you!

176 Main Street, Beacon
New LOCAL brand alert at Witch Hazel! You're gonna wanna read this! Hello, Captain Blankenship! A clean, vegan, cruelty-free hair care company based right here in the Hudson Valley. The entire line is great, but what's especially exciting right now is that they have a non-aerosol, benzene-free dry shampoo that can replace any you had to throw out because of the recent dry shampoo recall. No nasties here. At the shop and online, Witch Hazel has:
- The previously mentioned wonderful dry shampoo
- A hair serum that smooths frizz AND doubles as an overnight scalp treatment
- A salt spray that'll make you feel like it's summer
- A gentle shampoo with plant-based surfactants
- A soothing conditioner that's hydrating without feeling weighty
Captain Blankenship products come in aluminum bottles that are readily recyclable, and CB is also a certified B Corp that's Leaping Bunny certified and that participates in 1% for the Planet. The serum and salt spray are especially good stocking stuffers if ya need a last min one! Snag these before we take them ALL!
10-6 everyday EXCEPT Tuesday & Wednesday
Follow Witch Hazel on Instagram! > 
Order florals > 

226 Main St Retail 2
(845) 255-5872
David & Sara started Hudson Valley Goldsmith in 2010 first traveling the East Coast to sell jewelry at juried craft shows and eventually, in fall 2013, opening a small store and workshop in New Paltz, NY. The business quickly outgrew the space and, in 2015, they moved the store to its current location on Main Street in New Paltz & opened a second location right HERE in BEACON (near Homespun)! Today, along with their team of goldsmiths, they create more than 1000 custom pieces a year, as well as sell the work of about 20 other artists.
Hudson Valley Goldsmith  is proud to offer earth friendly metals, eco-friendly & socially conscious practices, diamonds & gemstones, expert repairs, and one-of-a-kind custom designs!
Looking for something custom? See here for CUSTOM details >
Tuesday-Thursday: 10:00am-5:00pm
Friday-Saturday: 10:00am-6:00pm
Shop Jewelry >
Hudson Valley Goldsmith is a Sponsor, thank you!

181-183 Main Street, Beacon
This is your last chance to shop the gift that's at the top of everyone's list! A Luxe Optique gift card! That can be used for eye exams, contact lenses, and eyewear purchases! Let your loved ones choose their gift depending on their needs. Gift cards can be used in store or online. Snag them here > 
Luxe Optique carries the most amazing brands of eyewear! Pictured here: Oliver Peoples (a fav of ALBB!)
OH & LAST CHANCE FOR A free eye exam in Hudson through Dec 31! Ends soon! Hurry!
PS: Appointments required for exams.
PPS Both Locations (Beacon & Hudson) are open from 10 AM - 6 PM Tuesday-Saturday & Beacon is only open on Mondays from 10 AM - 5 PM. 
Shop Online >
Luxe Optique is a Sponsor, thank you!
Yanarella Dance Studio
312 Main St., Beacon, NY

Check out all of Yanarella's classes to find the best one(s) for you! > 

Sign up for 2023 classes now at Yanarella! 

Located on Main Street in Historic Beacon, the studio has been guiding and instructing students since 1957- over 60 years ago! 
Register Online >
Yanarella is a Sponsor, thank you!

Kids Improv Workshop & Jam
Day: Every 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month!
Time: 1:30pm-3:00pm
Location: 22 Kent St., Room #109, Beacon, NY 12508 (Old Beacon High School)
The first half of the jam has lessons with warm-up games, foundational exercises while the second half is fun, silly, practice play with a break in between. Small groups will be broken out by age as needed. Absolutely zero experience is needed to attend any session!
Information >


Class meets:
Time: 7-10pm
6 sessions: January 25th- March 1st
Class Showcase: Sunday, March 4 (time TBD)
Teacher: Connor
Classes meet at: 22 Kent St., Room #109, Beacon, NY 12508 (Old Beacon High School)
Information >
Explore all classes >


Class meets: Monday’s
Time: 7pm - 10pm
6 sessions: January 23rd - February 27
Class Showcases: March 4 (time TDB)
Teacher: Chris
Classes meet at: 22 Kent St., Room #109, Beacon, NY 12508 (Old Beacon High School)
Information >
Explore all classes >


Class meets: Thursday’s
Time: 7pm - 10pm
8 sessions: January 12th - March 2nd
Class Showcases: March 4 (time TDB)
Teacher: Chris
Classes meet at: 22 Kent St., Room #109, Beacon, NY 12508 (Old Beacon High School)
Information >
Explore all classes >

Serious. Comedy Theatre is a Sponsor, thank you!

Beacon has a growing number of beauty salons and professional pampering to take advantage of - you can even book a transforming appointment at a lash bar! Be it a totally new hair style, or a facial, you have options in Beacon. Plus, one of the most enjoyable gifts you can give to someone is a gift certificate. So we have included links to where you can buy a gift certificate from any of these fine services that offers one. Check out ALBB's Beauty Guide here >

Special Message For Businesses: If you want to advertise in this Guide with a picture, logo and promotions, please click here.

340 Main Street, Beacon

Wednesday was the first day of winter! And although we haven't seen the crazy snow storms just yet (YET), this is your sign to winterize your vehicle before we do and then it's too late!
As fall winds down, now is the time to prepare your vehicle for freezing and snowy weather. Take your car for an oil change, complete battery testing, check antifreeze levels, replace wiper blades, gauge tire pressure, and always keep a full tank of gas. Additionally, contact one of Antalek & Moore's knowledgeable agents for an auto-insurance checkup to ensure you're protected on the road!
Latest Announcements >
Antalek & Moore is a Sponsor. Thank you!


Lizzo’s Coconut Oil album is essential for several reasons. One is for self love and self care. The other is for self realization that you held the power for whatever you need the entire time (unless you are in extreme psychical situations like Ukraine or Yemen or Palestine or other severely oppressed places where resilience, quick thinking and hope are essential for survival). If the word “power” intimidates or confuses you, switch that word with “ability to go home in your soul that you had the entire time but didn’t realize.” And before you dismiss this as “that can never happen for me - I am cursed - nothing works out for me,” just give this read a chance and realize that indeed things may be stacked against you, and if they are, you need to be extra lithe at navigating to find or create your way.
Read This >
Learn More About Tin Shingle >
Tin Shingle is a Sponsor. Thank you!


Working on a new hand painted sign project for Dulce Cielo Mx (located in Hudson Valley Food Hall). Will keep you updated with the progress! If you need a custom painted sign, See information here >, we're happy to help! OR if *you* paint signs, list your service in A Little Beacon Blog’s Business Directory! Anyone from Photographers, Branding Agency, and more can list there. 
PS - IT"S THAT TIME OF YEAR! You NEED to upgrade your website. It's a must! To keep the business going. Reach out!
Homespun Foods >
Barb's Butchery >
Sparrenberger Studio >
Katie James Inc. is a sponsor. Thank you!
Apply here >

Apply here >

List your job in ALBB's Job Listings >


See them here >


Tin Shingle
Katie James, Inc.

The Main Office at Beacon Digital 

Poughkeepsie Day School 

Witch Hazel >

Faust Design Build

Blue Green Lawns

Antalek & Moore Insurance Agency

Miss Vickies Music

List Your Business In The Business Directory > 
JOIN THESE ADVERTISERS: We create ad packages that work for different types of businesses. Click here for ways to advertise on A Little Beacon Blog and accomplish your goals.

We look forward to highlighting your business and show your support!

Recap Of City Council's Workshop This Week Includes Budgeting Proposals, Operating Budgets, Planning Board Review, And The 2023 City Council Meeting Schedule

You're Invited! ALBB's Holiday Pop-Up Party At Main Office's Co-Space - Bring Your Cheer, Enjoy Wine and Cheese

Details about the party are below, but first…


A Little Beacon Blog used to have an office on Main Street back in The Before Times - before the pandemic - known as A Little Beacon Space. We hosted community events, Vision Boarding sessions, and everyone’s favorite, Pop-Up Shops. Some of you popped up in our space, and it was a way for us shoppers to reach those artists and creators who otherwise were hard to find.

One of the things we did was rent out our space for business retreats and client parties. One of our first clients was Beacon Digital, the local digital marketing firm doing work for clients all over the nation. The owner, Whitney Parker Mitchell, booked The Space, as we called it, for her client party.

Soon after, Whitney expanded onto Main Street by moving into the renovated space that used to be Vogel Pharmacy next to Homespun. You’ve walked past it a zillion times, but may not have noticed it. Until. Now. Have you seen our holiday tree?!

Post-pandemic, with everyone working remotely, Whitney craved the community, and opened her space to a co-work model called Main Office. She advertised in A Little Beacon Blog’s Business Directory, and that is how we found out about her newly opened co-work space.

Even though ALBB works remotely now, by working out of our shed and living room, we needed a clean and inviting space to get back out there on Main Street. We missed it! So we joined Main Office as a regular co-worker.

Holiday Pop-Up Party - You’re Invited!

Whitney of Main Office and Beacon Digital has partnered with A Little Beacon Blog as a co-sponsor of this event, and agreed to open up her space to all of you - the entire Beacon community. And some visitors if you’re here on a Thursday! And of course you if you’re in Newburgh and Fishkill and Wappingers. And what the heck, Poughkeepsie, come on down!

This is a Holiday Pop-Up Party because we decided to do it last minute. Amid your other holiday parties, work parties, friend parties, family travel prep. All of the things we have not been able to do for two years.

It is also a pop-up party because we hope to have vendors you can shop from! If you have a store, or only appear at markets, then please come be a vendor. Past and present advertisers of A Little Beacon Blog can have a vendor table for free. As well as past pop-up shop clients. Details on vendor tables and sponsorships are below.

WHEN: Thursday, December 15th, 2022
TIME: 5pm-8pm
WHERE: Main Office, 234 Main Street (next to Homespun)
BRING: Yourself! Yourself and a friend if you wish!
PHOTO WALL: There will be a festive photo wall with props for you to take photos with yourself and/or friends.
FREE: Thanks to the generous co-sponsorship of Main Office and Beacon Digital, this event is free. Kindly RSVP here.
SWAG: There will be swag bags! Free Khiel’s skincare product for the first 30 attendees. Khiel’s apothecary skincare is some of the finest around.
Enjoy catering from Homespun, Pastries from Newburgh Flour Shop, and Wine and Local Craft Beer (until it runs out!).
RSVP: Kindly RSVP here so that we know you might be coming! We know your night is busy, so RSVP to give us an idea, even if your plans change.

Vendor Tables and Sponsorships

You may purchase a vendor table or sponsorship directly from this page. See details and cart button below. Tables and sponsorships are limited.

Holiday Pop-Up Shop Vendor Table
Sale Price:$50.00 Original Price:$150.00

Set up shop in A Little Beacon Blog’s Holiday Pop-Up Shop Party! Open to the community. Open from 5pm-8pm. Setup is 4pm. If you are a past or present advertiser of A Little Beacon Blog, this table is free for you this time. If you have done a past pop-up shop with us, this Holiday Pop-Up is also free for you this time.

Add To Cart
2-for-1 Sponsor: January Business Bash + Holiday Pop-Up Party
Sale Price:$850.00 Original Price:$1,200.00

Sponsors of this event make it possible to be open to the community for free. This is an opportunity for people to come together to network and mingle, for whatever their needs are during this long winter season.

This sponsorship is a 2-for-1 holiday special: We are having a Business Bash Networking Event in January, where your business will be a lead sponsor. When you buy this sponsorship, you will also be promoted at this holiday event.

  • Photo Selfie Backdrop: Logo on our Photo selfie backdrop at January and December events. Guests can take their own photos for free with fun props. Guests can keep their photos and share on social media.

  • Flyer: Logo on event flyer to be posted in Beacon.

  • Speech: Opportunity to address the guests for the January Business Bash to share about your business and how you can serve them.

  • Vendor Table: Free vendor table. ($150 value)

  • Article: A dedicated article published on A Little Beacon Blog about your business to translate the message you gave at the event. ($2,600 value)

This package is on sale now for the December Holiday event, and will go to regular price after.

Add To Cart

Interview With Local Muslim Women On Their View of Iranian Protests, Hijab, Free Will & Support of Iranian Women

In writing the article covering the performance protest from Iranian born Beaconite, Maryam Mehrjui, the protests of which are based on the killing of the 22-year old Kurdish woman, Mahsa Amini while in Iranian “morality police” custody for wearing her hijab improperly, the question arises: “How will the world see the hijab as a practice, and the women wearing the hijab (also called ‘hijabis’) both locally and in the world? Will this damage the safety they feel walking around, and create more misunderstanding? Will this embolden places like France to complete their different steps of legislation to ban the hijab? Will hijabi women who love wearing their hijabs - as opposed to those who are forced to by their governments - need to take up scarves to protest to save it?”

That was 4.75 questions. To answer these questions, A Little Beacon Blog interviewed two local Muslim women - one from Beacon and one from Orange County - one who wears the hijab and one who does not - both of whom are Palestinian.

ALBB: Can the protests against forcing women to wear the hijab in Iran harm women here in Beacon or Wappingers or Newburgh who do want to wear hijab by choice?
“It is already happening,” said Sereen El Jamal, a Palestinian New Yorker living in Orange County who participated in the pro-Palestinian march in Newburgh in 2021 and wears hijab. “It is being taken like that by a lot of people. Take your scarf off and burn it. Very different.”

Sereen was recommended to ALBB to interview by Khitam Jamal Nakhleh, sister to Kamel Jamal, an outspoken restaurant owner in Beacon. Sereen is their cousin. Said Sereen to ALBB: “I haven't really spoken out about it because the way that everybody is looking at it is if you wear hijab, you are supporting the oppression of Iranian women.”

How does Sereen feel about that sentiment? “I don't have the energy to think like that,” she said. “The only thing I said was in a repost. This isn't a protest on hijab. Not necessarily. Not a protest against religion. It's a protest against the government.”

Sereen went on to explain: “That's not how Islamic law is enforced. What they [the Irani government] are doing is anti-Islamic. It is nobody's job to force you to cover your hair. We are born with free will.”

As Sereen was speaking her feelings, she expanded upon what was being protested: “I can't force people to do what I feel is right. The way that government enforces it is wrong. In no way is it right to kill a woman for not covering her hair properly. To say something badly about the religion itself, or to burn a hijab, is also wrong. We have to find a balance, to say OK, I am protesting for human rights. Not against a religion.”

Khitam, on the other hand, does not wear hijab. She explained: “In Islamic religion, you wear hijab and modest clothes. You leave it to the imagination. I'm a religious person, I try to do things good enough. My mother didn't wear a hijab until her late 40s. Her husband, my father, can't force her to wear it.”

“I'm Muslim. I don't cover my hair. I give to charities. I do everything. It is a choice for me. It is a choice for a woman to wear it or not. No one should judge you if you wear it or not. I'm going to wear it when I'm ready to wear it. If I'm ever ready to wear it.”

Feelings From Wanting To Wear Hijab By Choice

Sereen volunteered explaining how she feels wearing hijab. “For me, wearing a hijab is feeling. No one will look at me and judge me and based on ‘oh, she is really pretty.’ I know I'm really pretty. When people look at me, it's purely who I am that makes people like me.”

She continued: “I'm not looked at in people's opinion's based on my looks. Obviously I make myself presentable, and I dress modestly. Me dressing modestly - that being my choice - frees me from thinking that the whole world is thinking whatever they are going to think. It is purely who I am.”

It's more about your inner beauty. We see - most women who wear hijab - we see it in a freeing way. We see it as empowering. It's a shame that people are forced into it, to the point where they don't see the beauty behind it. They get no chance to understand why they are wearing it. What the beauty behind it is. It's wrong. For the government to do that.”

Islam and Women

“Islam as a religion is very supportive of women,” reflected Sereen. “We are given rights as Muslims...that nobody is obligated to give us. Our religion gives us rights and support and empowerment. I can't even...,” Sereen begins to express her feelings, but can’t. “People just take it and twist it most of the time.”

“A woman is so valuable because the rest of the human race would not exist without a woman. This whole ‘the women are oppressed’ - that is a patriarchal government that is oppressing women. They hide behind the religion. They say it is because it is religion but that's not how it is enforced.”

In the book “Secrets of Divine Love: A Spiritual Journey Into the Heart of Islam,” by A. Helwa, the author describes it as: “Men and women are not physically identical, but they are equal in value in the eyes of God, for the soul has no gender. As the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) says, ‘Verily, women are the twin halves of men.’ In fact the word for ‘Eve’ in Arabic is the same as the Hebrew word Hawwaah, which comes from a root word that means ‘source of life.'“

Sereen continued: “I don't believe in what you believe in, nor do you have to believe in what I believe in. You are entitled to your own religions. And I'm entitled to mine*
*Surah 109 of the Qur’an
It is un-Islamic to force anyone to do anything. The whole premise of our religion is intention. If I am forcing you to practice - oh you’re doing it because I'm telling you - then you're not doing it for the right reason.”

Sereen concluded: “God gave people free will. It is not any government’s job to force them. Let them come to that point by themselves. Rather than bringing people closer to the religion, they [the Iranian government] are pushing them away.”

Happening Now! "Hop and Shop 2022" In Beacon - Deals and Experiences | Retail Therapy Guide 12/8/2022

We are bringing you Friday's weekly Retail Therapy newsletter.. today! On a Thursday, because, It's happening... Hop And Shop Beacon 2022! A Little Beacon Blog is one of the proud sponsors. This is 2 nights of festive shopping, services, sales & specials! Happening now (Thursday and Friday 12/8-12/9). Of course the shops are open all of the other days as usual, but during Hop and Shop, there are special deals and experiences planned.

Here are just SOME of the deals happening.

Daydream Collaborative Clinic - 544 Main St #2
DIY ear seeds workshop from 5:30-7:00. Ear seeds are an acupressure technique to ease stress, build immunity, and help with pain.

The Blushery - 528 Main St
20% Off Laser Hair Removal *Buy now. Book later.

Two Way Brewing - 18 West Main St
Live music with Judith Tulloch Band. + every pint purchased will come with a ticket to enter our raffle to win a case of beer!

Berte - 500 Main St
15% off the entire shop and a pop up with Palermo Body on Friday December 9th, 2pm-8pm.

Blackbird Attic - 442 Main St
15% off your entire purchase when you mention "Hop & Shop"

Hudson Valley Goldsmith - 226 Main St
Gift with purchase!

Hunca Munca's - 145 Main St
10% off entire shop and a raffle with purchase to win a $75 gift card!

Kaight - 512 Main St
25% off boots & outerwear.

King + Curated - 530 Main St
Their biggest Sale of the year! *All specials are a Hop + Shop exclusives, must be mentioned at check out! Limited edition diamond pendant necklace just $350! Up to 40% off tagged fine jewelry! 30% off ALL sterling silver when you buy 3 or more items. Sale includes all sterling silver and gold vermeil studs, modern line, as well as custom engravables. *While supplies last* Permanent Jewelry walk-ins welcome all day Thursday and Friday, appointments

Kringle's Christmas House - 134 Main St
30% discount on everything!

La Mere Clothing and Goods - 470 Main St
Bingo Ball  draw for prizes and discounts. We will be serving pink alcoholic bubbles. Our N/A bar will be open as well with many fun options to choose from. 

NFP: New Form Perspective - 457 Main St
NFP will be offering 10% off all in-store purchases on Dec 8th + 9th! Plus free gift with purchase $150 or more! Complimentary gift wrapping will be available!

Raven Rose - 474 Main St
10% Off All Garden Supplies & 20% off holiday ornament

Solstad House - 488 Main St
Choice of free Beacon Tote Bag or Tea Towel for purchases of $100 or more!

Utensil - 143 Main St
10% off everything. 15% off Gift cards! Raffle entry with purchase!

Witch Hazel - 176 Main St
Come on by for special shopping discounts: 10% off purchases of $50-99, 15% off $100-199, and 20% off $200 and up. Spend $50 or more, and we'll enter you into a raffle for a gift bag worth $150. We're also serving warm apple cider in the store. 

Zakka Joy - 177 Main St
Mystery scratch-off discounts are back! Stop in to see what you will save on awesome gifts!

There are plenty more steals & deals happening throughout Hop + Shop! We couldn't list them all but you can find out all the deets here! > 


Light: A Group Show: Second Saturday Artists' Reception
Saturday, December 10, 2022
Time: 2-4pm
Location: Howland Public Library, Beacon, NY
Stop by the Library Saturday afternoon for the opening reception of Light by the "Thursday Painters." The weekly senior painting class, led by teaching artist Jan Dolan, has been meeting at Beacon Recreation since 2014. For their latest illuminating exhibit, the class chose the concept of “Light” as creative inspiration for their work.


Book an Event Promotion Advertising spot here.
You can sponsor this Event Guide with your event, for extra promotion of it!
If you'd like to guarantee to see your entertainment event listed here.
Edited and Written By Teslie Andrade and Katie Hellmuth Martin

Hop + Shop Beacon
Days: Thursday, December 8, 2022 & Friday, December 9, 2022
2 Full Days of festive shopping, sales & specials within your favorite Beacon businesses! Click here ti visit the Map with deals. Around 70 businesses participate each year! Each business will have either a sale, featured item, extended hours, special offerings etc. *Hours of participation are subject to each stores specials and hours.
A Little Beacon Blog is a proud sponsor this year, which enables all businesses to participate for free. 
Information >

Family Night Hike
Friday, December 9, 2022
Time: 6 pm
Location: Muller Pond Trail
Ages 6 and up & only $5! Let's go out and explore Stony Kill's trails after dark. Put on your winter gear and join us for a family-friendly night hike around Muller pond. We will be on the lookout for owls while we listen to the sounds of the night on our 1/2 mile easy hike. Bring flashlights and your sense of adventure!
More Information >

Serious. Comedy Theatre: Open Mic Night
Day: Friday, December 9, 2022
Time: 8pm (Doors at 7:30pm) grab a drink before the show and hang!
Location: 22 Kent Street Room #109, Beacon, NY 12508 (Old Beacon High School)
But not just this Friday... You can go show off your material with at our Monthly Open Mic! Every second Friday of the month! Sign up to perform in advance at checkout.
3 minute sets. 15 guaranteed performer spots and more if time permits. Just wanna watch? That's fine too, they consent.
Information > 

Serious. Comedy Theatre: The Big Night
Day: Saturday, December 10, 2022
Time: Show at 8pm (Doors at 7:55)
Location: 22 Kent Street Room #109, Beacon, NY 12508 (Old Beacon High School)
Serious Comedy Theatre presents a unique, fun, weird comedy and stand up show: it’s THE BIG NIGHT! Featuring comedian Jim Tews. For ages 18+. Beer, seltzer and water available at the show.
Information >

Beacon Volunteer Ambulance Corps Presents: Santa on Main Street!
Day: Sunday, December 11, 2022
Time: 1pm
Location: Starting at Herbert/Main ending at the South Ave.
Short meet and greet with Santa for pictures behind the Mobil station on Henry Street. Rain or shine!

Serious. Comedy Theatre: Improv Open Jam
Day: Friday, December 16, 2022
Time: 7:30pm Doors / 8:00pm Show
Location: 22 Kent Street, Beacon, NY 12508, Room #109
Not sure if you’re ready to take a full improv class? Just want to dip your toes in the improv waters? Or have you been performing for a while and just want to sharpen some skills? Come to the Monthly Jam! $7 to play or watch. For ages 18+ Interested in improv classes? CLICK HERE for classes
Information >

Witch Hazel's 'Bouquet Brunch' Dried Flower Arranging Class
Day: Sunday, December 18, 2022
Time: 10am-11:30am
Location: Witch Hazel, Beacon, NY
Dried flower arrangements are some of the most stylish, lowest-maintenance accents to spruce up your place. With proper care, they should last 2-3 years (or more) with no watering, no gardening, no fuss. At this small group workshop, you'll create a festive, vibrant arrangement using beautiful dried evergreen branches, berries, flowers and herbs. You'll learn the basics of dried floral design and get to take your arrangement home with you. Great for dressing up the mantle, brightening up holiday photos or placing next to the Christmas tree for Santa to admire.
Information > 

Check our Calendar and Events Guide regularly for upcoming events throughout the week!

ALBB's Restaurant Guide to show you which restaurants are open on Mondays!
See it here >

It's always a pleasure eating and drinking your way through Beacon, so we created this guide to help you know where to eat and drink as you explore the town. Feature your restaurant/eatery in the guide & be featured in this weekly newsletter! Promote your seasonal dishes/drinks, specials, events, etc. Click here for more details >
3091 U.S. 9, Cold Spring, NY

Ok... it's getting real cold. Warm up with TOM KHA GAI from Eat Church! Coconut chicken soup with lemongrass, galangal and kaffir lime leaf. More soul food at Eat Church! Here's where you can find the truck!
- Industrial Arts Brewing from Friday-Sunday
- Straight from the grocery case at Marbled Meat Shop - ready to go! Why cook lunch for the work week?!
- Dogwood Beacon on Tuesday-Sunday from 5pm-10pm
Order Online >
Keep up with all of the delicious pop-ups and events here >
You can also visit their website for Weekly Menu/Specials >
PS! Need a gift card for the holidays?! Purchase one here! >
Eat Church is a Sponsor, thank you!

288 Main Street, Beacon, NY
Head on into the HV Food Hall and try Ciao Chow's new seasonal dishes! Braised pork soup with Tagliatelle, Pumpkin filled Agnolotti, and much more deliciousness! 
Follow HV Food Hall's foodies:
Miz Hattie's BBQ: Southern Style BBQ, from North Carolina. Order ahead via their Toast-app menu!
El Nica: Nicaraguan Food
Roosevelt Bar: Cocktail Bar
Shmuck's Sweet Stuff: Local Ice Cream, Hot Waffles, and Other Sweet Stuff
Hudson Shawarma: Falafels, shawarma, baklava, and platters 
Ciao Chow - Hand made pasta and fried rice
Dulce Cielo Mexico: authentic Mexican street food with vegetarian and vegan options.
Hudson Valley Food Hall is a Sponsor, thank you!

BAJA 328
328 Main Street, Beacon, NY
You're a mean one... Mr. Grinch! You can always count on Baja to have the seasonal cocktails and mocktails! Always festive, always fun, and always delicious! Tree is up! Vibes are going! Head on in for their special drinks and their special entrees (always listed on the chalkboard or online!) Yucca Fries and Onions are a must. And obviously, it's always Taco Tuesday at Baja!
Check out the specials >
PS: Happy Hour Tues-Fri 4-6pm
Check out their specialty drinks > 
BAJA 328 is a Sponsor, thank you!

Shopping! So fun, yet so strategic. With so many options to shop on Main Street, we compiled a Shopping Guide that includes every single shop in Beacon for your shopping and bookmarking pleasure! If you run a shop or boutique in Beacon and want to sponsor the shopping guide, be included in this Friday Feature newsletter, and get a nifty photo gallery in the guide, click here for more details >
176 Main Street, Beacon
Have you signed up for Witch Hazel's 'Bouquet Brunch' Dried Flower Arranging Class?! You better RUN, not walk. These workshops sell out QUICK!

Dried flower arrangements are some of the most stylish, lowest-maintenance accents to spruce up your place. With proper care, they should last 2-3 years (or more) with no watering, no gardening, no fuss. At this small group workshop, you'll create a festive, vibrant arrangement using beautiful dried evergreen branches, berries, flowers and herbs. You'll learn the basics of dried floral design and get to take your arrangement home with you. Great for dressing up the mantle, brightening up holiday photos or placing next to the Christmas tree for Santa to admire.

During the class, you'll learn about:

  • Selecting seasonally themed dried flowers and evergreens
  • Composing unique, balanced arrangements that suit your style
  • Color theory options so your design looks intentional
  • Vases and supplies to make even more designs at home!

After a tutorial and demo, you'll get to work making your own arrangement, with hands-on guidance when you need it. We'll have tasty beverages and bites, fun holiday music on the speakers, and good cheer all around.
All guests will receive a 15% discount to shop at Witch Hazel after the event.
You don't need to bring anything except yourself...so grab a ticket here! >
Day: Sunday, December 18, 2022
Time: 10am-11:30am
Location: Witch Hazel, Beacon, NY
10-6 everyday EXCEPT Tuesday & Wednesday
Follow Witch Hazel on Instagram! > 
Order florals > 

226 Main St Retail 2
(845) 255-5872
The Blackened Silver Australian Boulder Opal & Diamond Pendant on Yellow Gold Vermil Chain is calling our name... Australian boulder opal is very popular (in case ya didn't know!) with asymmetrical gems - they lend themselves to a very modern aesthetic. Boulder opals are also known for their ability to mimic scenes! A landscape... with movement and color? An ocean? Or a starry night? It's just gorgeous! Snag it before we do! 
Looking for something custom? Hudson Valley Goldsmith does that too! See here for CUSTOM details >
Tuesday-Thursday: 10:00am-5:00pm
Friday-Saturday: 10:00am-6:00pm
Shop Jewelry >
Hudson Valley Goldsmith is a Sponsor, thank you!

181-183 Main Street, Beacon
Luxe Optique is truly an eyewear experience! They are a full service optical store with an optometrist on site for eye exams! From contact lenses to expert progressive lens fitting... Luxe Optique offers their patients personalized high quality services. Not to mention... you can check off a lot of boxes on your Christmas list! Luxe Optique has eyewear for all... Sophisticated Affordable, Children's, Petites, Luxury, and Asian Fit! See them here >
PS: Appointments required for exams.
PPS Both Locations (Beacon & Hudson) are open from 10 AM - 6 PM Tuesday-Saturday & Beacon is only open on Mondays from 10 AM - 5 PM. 
You can now get a free eye exam in Hudson through Dec 31!
Shop Online >
Luxe Optique is a Sponsor, thank you!
Yanarella Dance Studio
312 Main St., Beacon, NY

Check out all of Yanarella's classes to find the best one(s) for you! > 

Sign up for sessions or pay $23 for a drop in! Maybe to test which class(es) you'd enjoy the most!

Located on Main Street in Historic Beacon, the studio has been guiding and instructing students since 1957- over 60 years ago! 
Register Online >

Yanarella is a Sponsor, thank you!

Kids Improv Workshop & Jam
Day: Sunday, December 18, 2022
Time: 1:30pm-3:00pm
Location: 22 Kent St., Room #109, Beacon, NY 12508 (Old Beacon High School)
The first half of the jam has lessons with warm-up games, foundational exercises while the second half is fun, silly, practice play with a break in between. Small groups will be broken out by age as needed. Absolutely zero experience is needed to attend any session!
Information >


Class meets:
Time: 7-10pm
6 sessions: January 25th- March 1st
Class Showcase: Sunday, March 4 (time TBD)
Teacher: Connor
Classes meet at: 22 Kent St., Room #109, Beacon, NY 12508 (Old Beacon High School)
Information >
Explore all classes >


Class meets:
Time: 7pm - 10pm
6 sessions: January 26th - March 2nd
Class Showcases: March 4 (time TDB)
Teacher: TBD
Classes meet at: 22 Kent St., Room #109, Beacon, NY 12508 (Old Beacon High School)
Information >
Explore all classes >


Class meets: Thursday’s
Time: 7pm - 10pm
8 sessions: January 12th - March 2nd
Class Showcases: March 4 (time TDB)
Teacher: Chris
Classes meet at: 22 Kent St., Room #109, Beacon, NY 12508 (Old Beacon High School)
Information >
Explore all classes >

Serious. Comedy Theatre is a Sponsor, thank you!

Beacon has a growing number of beauty salons and professional pampering to take advantage of - you can even book a transforming appointment at a lash bar! Be it a totally new hair style, or a facial, you have options in Beacon. Plus, one of the most enjoyable gifts you can give to someone is a gift certificate. So we have included links to where you can buy a gift certificate from any of these fine services that offers one. Check out ALBB's Beauty Guide here >

Special Message For Businesses: If you want to advertise in this Guide with a picture, logo and promotions, please click here.

340 Main Street, Beacon

It's the most wonderful time of the year! At Antalek & Moore, they love to decorate their office and their homes to celebrate the season. Check out this article for pointers from one of their insurance partners to help keep your family and friends safe when it comes to decorative displays!
Latest Announcements >
Antalek & Moore is a Sponsor. Thank you!

Tin Shingle a training platform and community for businesses, artists and makers who are getting the word out about their business. Tin Shingle teaches PR, social media and content marketing tactics to regular people to help make their pitching and brand story telling smarter, engaging and more appropriate for the media to consider for article features. Tin Shingle is your support system as you're getting the word out about your business.
Learn More >
Tin Shingle is a Sponsor. Thank you!

Working on a new hand painted sign project for Dulce Cielo Mx (located in Hudson Valley Food Hall). Will keep you updated with the progress! If you need a custom painted sign, See information here >, we're happy to help! OR if *you* paint signs, list your service in A Little Beacon Blog’s Business Directory! Anyone from Photographers, Branding Agency, and more can list there. 
PS - IT"S THAT TIME OF YEAR! You NEED to upgrade your website. It's a must! To keep the business going. Reach out!
Homespun Foods >
Barb's Butchery >
Sparrenberger Studio >
Katie James Inc. is a sponsor. Thank you!
Apply here >

Apply here >

List your job in ALBB's Job Listings >


See them here >


Tin Shingle
Katie James, Inc.

The Main Office at Beacon Digital 

Poughkeepsie Day School 

Witch Hazel >

Faust Design Build

Blue Green Lawns

Antalek & Moore Insurance Agency

Miss Vickies Music

List Your Business In The Business Directory > 
JOIN THESE ADVERTISERS: We create ad packages that work for different types of businesses. Click here for ways to advertise on A Little Beacon Blog and accomplish your goals.

We look forward to highlighting your business and show your support!

World Watches Tyler Adams Answer Tough But Honest Question In Qatar World Cup

In the months between Dutchess County sending out a simple press release featuring the leadership of Wappinger’s Fall’s own Tyler Adams as captain of the USA soccer team in the FIFA World Cup in Qatar this year (2022), the world was watching as he answered a tough question about discrimination against Black Americans by America, and a pronunciation correction of Iran from an Iranian reporter before the USA vs Iran match on November 29, 2022.

While many in Beacon were just hearing about this person named Tyler who is from Wappingers Falls and in the World Cup, suddenly he was on CNN and other media outlets regarding the tough question scenario.

The situation presented an opportunity for Tyler to talk about his own experience growing up with a mixed-race heritage, as well as his living in different countries because of soccer, and his awareness of how he navigated through living abroad and state-side (this might be known as codeswitching, but Tyler did not use that word).

Local articles here in Dutchess County have not typically addressed his mixed-race experience, but this global media situation presented a new opportunity to include it.

CNN, Yahoo Life and other American media outlets picked up on the press conference prior to the match, and in defense of and praise for Tyler, peppered it with negative light on the Iranian reporter. Tyler, however, graciously answered the statement and question with honesty and respect for the reporter.

The linguistic observation made by the reporter was cited so that a global audience could hear the correct pronunciation, followed by a discomfortable question.

Global events are platforms for dialogue to begin. This article explores this issue.

Who Is Tyler Adams?

Tyler Adams during the press conference before the USA vs Iran match.

Tyler Adams is currently 23 years old and plays professional soccer for the Premier League Club, Leeds United, and is the captain for the United States national team, who played in the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar.

At age 16, his first professional signing happened with the New York Red Bulls II, a United Soccer League Team owned and operated by Major League Soccer. Said Tyler to the Poughkeepsie Journal back in 2015 when he was signed: “They host these mini-camp type things," Adams said of the Red Bull’s Regional Development School. "They noticed me there. It's what started this all. I think it benefited me because it's a lot more competitive."

You can see the opportunity for summer soccer camp with the Red Bulls in ALBB’s Summer Camp Guide.

As reported by the Poughkeepsie Journal, Tyler was attending Roy C. Ketcham High School in the Wappingers Falls school district when he signed. According to USASoccer.com, Tyler was raised by his mother, Melissa Russo, where he “grew up in a single-parent household before she reconnected with old high school classmate and now step-dad, Darryl Sullivan.”

According to the Poughkeepsie Journal, Tyler’s step-dad Darryl was at the time of Tyler’s 2015 signing “a Social Studies teacher at Roy C. Ketcham, who won two state titles coaching the John Jay girls team and is the director of soccer operations for the Marist College men's soccer team.”

Said his mother, Melissa Russo, to the newspaper upon his signing: "There was a point as a parent where you tell him it may not be realistic. But never did he say he wanted to do anything else. Maybe an architect, once or twice. As a parent, this is awesome. You just pray your kid ends up doing something they love."

To complete Tyler’s education while he advanced toward professional soccer, he ended up doing what most parents now know of as Remote Learning, by completing most of his homework and classwork online. He told the Poughkeepsie Journal: “I'm missing the social aspect, which is hard for any kid my age. But then again, I have the opportunity to play pro soccer. That doesn't come around every day."

Turns out, Tyler nurtured his social side while playing soccer, as explored in this ESPN article, where Tyler discussed, as a 23 year old, how he enjoys relating to other people no matter their relationship to him, which is part of why he has been such an effective captain during the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

As observed in the ESPN article: “Some might call it charisma, others would term it leadership or emotional intelligence, but the sense is that ‘it’ goes deeper than any of that. There is an aura about Adams that conveys he'll not only do his job, but relieve you of some of the pressure to do yours. These days, that can mean covering for a teammate on the field or deftly handling some spicy news conference questions off it.”

What Happened At The News Conference Before The USA vs Iran Match?

An Iranian reporter corrected Tyler in his pronunciation of Iran, stating that if he was going to voice support for Iran, he might as well get the pronunciation right. This was followed by a question about discrimination toward Black people in America. As of this reporting, ALBB cannot find the name of the reporter, who may or may not have been affiliated with Iranian government sanctioned state media.

According to an article at CNN, Iranian state media was upset with the United States Soccer Federation. American media seems not to have reported the Iranian reporter’s name or media outlet, that ALBB can find so far. That would be helpful and relevant to the context and tone of the question.

To add more context, the 2022 World Cup as a global platform has been used to amplify many issues, including the current violent protests going on in Iran against the regime that came to power in 1979. These protests have been carried out in defense and protection of women in Iran after Mahsa Amini, age 22 and Kurdish, which is a minority in Iran, died in police custody. The protests are against oppression that many citizens of Iran feel under the current leadership, which has been abusing and misusing a religion - Islam - in the name of squeezing power.

In response, the United States Soccer Federation changed Iran’s flag on its social media platforms to show support for protesters in Iran, according to a report from CNN. "Iranian state media called for the US to be kicked out of the 2022 World Cup after the United States Soccer Federation changed Iran’s flag on its social media platforms to show support for protesters in Iran." According to the article which showed a screenshot of the temporary switch, the United States Soccer Federation started displaying Iran’s national flag on its official Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts without the emblem of the Islamic Republic in the middle of the flag. The flag version with the emblem is currently being displayed on the soccer federation’s website.

Reporter’s Statement:
In response to one of Tyler’s earlier answers to a question:

"First of all, you say you support the Iranian people, but you're pronouncing our country's name wrong. Our country is named Iran (ee-RAHN), not Iran (EYE-ran). Please once and for all, let's get this clear."

Reporter’s Question:

"Second of all, are you OK to be representing a country that has so much discrimination against Black people in its own borders? We saw the Black Lives Matter movement over the past few years. Are you OK to be representing the US while there is so much discrimination against Black people in America?"

Tyler’s Answer:

“My apologies on the mispronunciation of your country. That being said, there’s discrimination everywhere you go.” Tyler stated.

“One thing that I’ve learned, especially from living abroad in the past years and having to fit in in different cultures and kind of assimilate into different cultures, is that in the US, we’re continuing to make progress every single day.

“Growing up for me, I grew up in a White family, and with obviously an African-American heritage and background as well,” he pointed out.

“So, I had a little bit of different cultures, and I was very easily able to assimilate in different cultures. Not everyone has that ease and the ability to do that, and obviously, it takes longer to understand, and through education, I think it’s super important.” Tyler did not deny discrimination happening. Instead, he elected to describe a living experience for him.

“Like you just educated me now on the pronunciation of your country. So, yeah, it’s a process. I think as long as you see progress, that’s the most important thing.”

How Some American Media Twisted The Press Conference

As media coverage of any event or issue unfolds, it is important to be mindful of the headlines, descriptions, and adjectives used to describe a situation. Every single media outlet is biased because humans write, edit and ultimately publish the words. Scrubbing of opinion is nearly impossible, because simply choosing to cover a topic in an of itself reveals bias.

Coverage of Middle Eastern situations is especially important to be mindful of when reading or watching coverage.

Here is how American media negatively slanted the situation, negatively portraying the reporter, and positively portraying Tyler. Of course Tyler’s answer was impressive and refreshing, but the reporter need not be shamed into asking it, or correcting the pronunciation of Iran knowing his voice would be heard around the world, for everyone to hear and know how to correctly pronounce Iran.

Great reads and headlines:

December, Where'd You Come From?! First (And Last) Friday Of The Year, Hello! :: Retail Therapy Guide 12/2/2022

It's December!!! The last First Friday of 2022 is TODAY! 
(First Friday is the new shopping initiative in Beacon where some stores may be offering something special for you...but you'll have to step inside to find out.)

Here's the deal. It's sunny. It's not bitterly cold. Hopefully you are managing your stress from wanting to provide during this holiday season, with earning enough dollar to make that happen. Either way, step outside right now to get fresh air and clear perspective. Actually, step outside after you read this weekend edition of A Little Beacon Blog because after you read it, you're going to know where to go to get your retail therapy fix, and help the little town you love by shopping in it!

PS: We have a holiday surprise coming to you in two newsletters from now...


Book an Event Promotion Advertising spot here.
You can sponsor this Event Guide with your event, for extra promotion of it!
If you'd like to guarantee to see your entertainment event listed here.
Edited and Written By Teslie Andrade and Katie Hellmuth Martin

Village Of Fishkill Tree Lighting 
Sunday, December 4, 2022
Time: 2:30pm-5:00pm
Location: 1095 Main St., Fishkill, NY
Come for hot cocoa and Santa and stay for the tree lighting!
Information > 

ARF's Pet Photos With Santa!
Day: Sunday, December 4, 2022
Time: 12pm-3pm
Location: Happy Valley Arcade Bar Courtyard
296 Main Street, Beacon, NY 12508
$10 Suggested donation.
Must provide email address to receive photo or they can take the photo using your phone!
All pets must be kept on a leash.
First come, first serve.
Please note for temperature sensitive/exotic pets - this photo event will take place outside.
Information >

Beacon Open Studios: NUDE FIGURE DRAWING Fundraiser
Day: Sunday, December 4, 2022
Time: 4:00pm-5:30pm
Location: 4 Hanna Lane Beacon, NY 12508
Beacon Open Studios Figure drawing with our friends at The Yard! Professional model Eliza Fichter will move through short and long poses during this 1.5hr long session. Since Eliza will be posing nude, you must be 18yrs+ to attend. Basic drawing supplies will be provided, but feel free to bring your own. All skill levels welcome! No pressure and a judgement free environment! This is not a "class" but if you have questions, or need some help getting started, our BOS team will be on hand to help! The Yard is sponsoring this event and donating their space. 100% of your admission ticket will go toward BOS running costs. Tickets are limited, and go fast, so make sure to pick yours up ASAP!
Information >

Beacon Film Society Screens "The Territory"
Day: Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Time: 7:00pm
Location: Story Screen, 445 main St. Beacon, NY
Beacon Film Society presents screenings this fall including THE TERRITORY on December 6. Editor Carlos Rojas Felice will be in-person for a question-and-answer session after the film. “THE TERRITORY provides an immersive on-the-ground look at the tireless fight of the Indigenous Uru-eu-wau-wau people against the encroaching deforestation brought by farmers and illegal settlers in the Brazilian Amazon. With awe-inspiring cinematography showcasing the titular landscape and richly textured sound design, the film takes audiences deep into the Uru-eu-wau-wau community and provides unprecedented access to the farmers and settlers illegally burning and clearing the protected Indigenous land. Beacon Film Society (https://beaconfilmsociety.org) is a volunteer run organization that hosts screenings of relevant films with the participation of the filmmakers. Each screening takes place in Beacon, NY and is followed by a live Q&A. The goals of BFS are two-fold: to provide a venue for films not otherwise available theatrically in the surrounding region, and to create a space for dialog - about both the art and craft of filmmaking, and the content presented within each film that we screen.

Hop + Shop Beacon

Days: Thursday, December 8, 2022 & Friday, December 9, 2022
2 Full Days of festive shopping, sales & specials within your favorite Beacon businesses! Find your favorite participating businesses when the map goes live on 12/5/22. Around 70 businesses participate each year! Each business will have either a sale, featured item, extended hours, special offerings etc. Each business will be listed with their offering the Monday before so you can plan your route and check off your Holiday list! *Hours of participation are subject to each stores specials and hours.
A Little Beacon Blog is a proud sponsor this year, which enables all businesses to participate for free. 
Information >

Family Night Hike
Friday, December 9, 2022
Time: 6 pm
Location: Muller Pond Trail
Ages 6 and up & only $5! Let's go out and explore Stony Kill's trails after dark. Put on your winter gear and join us for a family-friendly night hike around Muller pond. We will be on the lookout for owls while we listen to the sounds of the night on our 1/2 mile easy hike. Bring flashlights and your sense of adventure!
More Information >

Serious. Comedy Theatre: Open Mic Night
Day: Friday, December 9, 2022
Time: 8pm (Doors at 7:30pm) grab a drink before the show and hang!
Location: 22 Kent Street Room #109, Beacon, NY 12508 (Old Beacon High School)
But not just this Friday... You can go show off your material with at our Monthly Open Mic! Every second Friday of the month! Sign up to perform in advance at checkout.
3 minute sets. 15 guaranteed performer spots and more if time permits. Just wanna watch? That's fine too, they consent.
Information > 

Serious. Comedy Theatre: The Big Night

Day: Saturday, December 10, 2022
Time: Show at 8pm (Doors at 7:55)
Location: 22 Kent Street Room #109, Beacon, NY 12508 (Old Beacon High School)
Serious Comedy Theatre presents a unique, fun, weird comedy and stand up show: it’s THE BIG NIGHT! Featuring comedian Jim Tews. For ages 18+. Beer, seltzer and water available at the show.
Information >

Witch Hazel's Holiday Wreath Class
Day: Monday, December 12, 2022
Time: 6pm
Location: Witch Hazel, Beacon, NY
Make beautiful, unique dried wreaths to display on the door, wall, mantle...you name it. With a mix of dried evergreens, berries and flowers, you'll design a fully customized creation you can enjoy for 2-3 years (or more) with proper care. After a tutorial and demo, you'll get to work making your own wreath, with hands-on guidance when you need it. Tasty drinks and snacks, fun holiday music on the speakers, and good energy all around. All guests will receive a 15% discount to shop at Witch Hazel after the event.
Information > 

Check our Calendar and Events Guide regularly for upcoming events throughout the week!

ALBB's Restaurant Guide to show you which restaurants are open on Mondays!
See it here >

It's always a pleasure eating and drinking your way through Beacon, so we created this guide to help you know where to eat and drink as you explore the town. Feature your restaurant/eatery in the guide & be featured in this weekly newsletter! Promote your seasonal dishes/drinks, specials, events, etc. Click here for more details >
3091 U.S. 9, Cold Spring, NY

Tis the season of gift giving! It truly does get harder each year (in our opinion) but we've asked around, and it's true, people love gift cards! They're easy. They're convenient. And when you can get one at Eat Church, they become the best gift ever!
Purchase one here! >
Find Eat Church Almost Everywhere!
- Industrial Arts Brewing from Friday-Sunday
- Straight from the grocery case at Marbled Meat Shop - ready to go! Why cook lunch for the work week?!
- Dogwood Beacon on Tuesday-Sunday from 5pm-10pm
Order Online >
Keep up with all of the delicious pop-ups and events here >
You can also visit their website for Weekly Menu/Specials >
Eat Church is a Sponsor, thank you!

288 Main Street, Beacon, NY
Calling all vegetarians and non-vegetarians! El Nica Spot's veggie plate looks delish! Cream and cheese on the plantains too! To top it off.. it's gluten-free! Located inside the HV Food Hall!
Follow HV Food Hall's foodies:
Miz Hattie's BBQ: Southern Style BBQ, from North Carolina. Order ahead via their Toast-app menu!
El Nica: Nicaraguan Food
Roosevelt Bar: Cocktail Bar in a well-ventilated space with Outdoor Patio!
Shmuck's Sweet Stuff: Local Ice Cream, Hot Waffles, and Other Sweet Stuff
Hudson Shawarma: Falafels, shawarma, baklava, and platters 
Ciao Chow - Hand made pasta and fried rice
Dulce Cielo Mexico: authentic Mexican street food with vegetarian and vegan options.
Hudson Valley Food Hall is a Sponsor, thank you!

BAJA 328
328 Main Street, Beacon, NY
You can always count on Baja to have the seasonal cocktails and mocktails! Always festive, always fun, and always delicious! Our go-to right now? The Chicken Flautas, hands down! Chicken Ropa Vieja, Guacamole, Pico de Gallo, Cilantro and fresh Crema. It's so good! Even better with the side of Yucca Fries and Onions. Baja's specials are always changing too - make sure you check 'em out! Word on the street was that the Thanksgiving sandwich was better than Thanksgiving...
Check out the specials >
PS: Happy Hour Tues-Fri 4-6pm
Check out their specialty drinks > 
BAJA 328 is a Sponsor, thank you!

Shopping! So fun, yet so strategic. With so many options to shop on Main Street, we compiled a Shopping Guide that includes every single shop in Beacon for your shopping and bookmarking pleasure! If you run a shop or boutique in Beacon and want to sponsor the shopping guide, be included in this Friday Feature newsletter, and get a nifty photo gallery in the guide, click here for more details >
176 Main Street, Beacon
Gifts that everyone loves? CANDLES! And Witch Hazel Cannot. Keep. These. In. Stock!
DILO candles are hand-poured in Philadelphia, using soy wax and pure cotton wicks (no metal). They're absolutely delicious, and no, we will not and cannot choose a favorite. Some of the scents are:
Winter Rose + Pine
Amber + Oakmoss
Basil Mint + Lavender
Palo Santo
Cactus Flower
Gift one for someone special and definitely gift one for yourself! (before they're all gone!)
10-6 everyday EXCEPT Tuesday & Wednesday
Stay tuned for the next floral workshop & Follow Witch Hazel on Instagram! > 
Order florals > 

226 Main St Retail 2
(845) 255-5872
The Colored Stone Pendant - Karma Mini Pendant Rainbow Moonstone Fair Trade 24K Gold Vermeil W/ Chain is available in the Beacon location now and there is only ONE left in stock... it's such a good price and a stunning gift! Snag it here > or browse Hudson Valley Goldsmith's jewelry here > Options for anyone and everyone! Looking for something custom? Hudson Valley Goldsmith does that too! See here for CUSTOM details >
Tuesday-Thursday: 10:00am-5:00pm
Friday-Saturday: 10:00am-6:00pm
Shop Jewelry >
Hudson Valley Goldsmith is a Sponsor, thank you!

18 West Main Street, Beacon
Do you have mice in your cupboards? And need containers for the snacks? Brett’s has your bins! (Asking for a friend…and not a mouse friend) Okay, but truly, Brett's has all of your home needs! Including containers that we almost need for everything! And you know what's hard? Gifting for adults or college kids. But say no more, THIS is it. Containers and storage and organization because we all need it and we never seem to buy this for ourselves! Stop into Bretts for gifts, space heaters, snow essentials, winter car essentials, and so much more!
Monday-Friday 7:30am - 7pm
Saturday 8am - 6pm
Sunday 9am - 5pm
Brett's Hardware is a Sponsor, thank you!

181-183 Main Street, Beacon
Oliver Peoples is available at Luxe Optique! Each Oliver Peoples frame is handcrafter with careful attention to detail, sculpting and perfecting the materials to achieve a balanced and refined final product. The technically intricate process involves both state-of-the-art machinery and the human touch, such as the individual hand-insertion of the genuine pins and plaques. Each frame is tumbled and polished, and finally hand adjusted, carefully referring back to the original drawing created in the design studio in West Hollywood. Explore more here and stop in to shop one of ALBB's fav collections!
PS: Appointments required for exams.
PPS Both Locations (Beacon & Hudson) are open from 10 AM - 6 PM Tuesday-Saturday & Beacon is only open on Mondays from 10 AM - 5 PM. 
PPPS*** You can now get a free eye exam in Hudson through Dec 31!
Shop Online >
Luxe Optique is a Sponsor, thank you!
Yanarella Dance Studio
312 Main St., Beacon, NY

Check out all of Yanarella's classes to find the best one(s) for you! > 

Sign up for sessions or pay $23 for a drop in! Maybe to test which class(es) you'd enjoy the most!

Located on Main Street in Historic Beacon, the studio has been guiding and instructing students since 1957- over 60 years ago! 
Register Online >

Yanarella is a Sponsor, thank you!

Kids Improv Workshop & Jam
Day: Sunday, December 4, 2022
Time: 1:30pm-3:00pm
Location: 22 Kent St., Room #109, Beacon, NY 12508 (Old Beacon High School)
The first half of the jam has lessons with warm-up games, foundational exercises while the second half is fun, silly, practice play with a break in between. Small groups will be broken out by age as needed. Absolutely zero experience is needed to attend any session!
Information >


Class meets:
Time: 7-10pm
6 sessions: January 25th- March 1st
Class Showcase: Sunday, March 4 (time TBD)
Teacher: Connor
Classes meet at: 22 Kent St., Room #109, Beacon, NY 12508 (Old Beacon High School)
Information >
Explore all classes >


Class meets:
Time: 7pm - 10pm
6 sessions: January 26th - March 2nd
Class Showcases: March 4 (time TDB)
Teacher: TBD
Classes meet at: 22 Kent St., Room #109, Beacon, NY 12508 (Old Beacon High School)
Information >
Explore all classes >


Class meets: Thursday’s
Time: 7pm - 10pm
8 sessions: January 12th - March 2nd
Class Showcases: March 4 (time TDB)
Teacher: Chris
Classes meet at: 22 Kent St., Room #109, Beacon, NY 12508 (Old Beacon High School)
Information >
Explore all classes >

Serious. Comedy Theatre is a Sponsor, thank you!


Beacon has a growing number of beauty salons and professional pampering to take advantage of - you can even book a transforming appointment at a lash bar! Be it a totally new hair style, or a facial, you have options in Beacon. Plus, one of the most enjoyable gifts you can give to someone is a gift certificate. So we have included links to where you can buy a gift certificate from any of these fine services that offers one. Check out ALBB's Beauty Guide here >

Special Message For Businesses: If you want to advertise in this Guide with a picture, logo and promotions, please click here.

340 Main Street, Beacon

We are less than one month away from the start of winter! As fall winds down, now is the time to prepare your vehicle for freezing and snowy weather. Take your car for an oil change, complete battery testing, check antifreeze levels, replace wiper blades, gauge tire pressure, and always keep a full tank of gas. Additionally, contact one of Antalek & Moore's knowledgeable agents for an auto-insurance checkup to ensure you're protected on the road!
Latest Announcements >
Antalek & Moore is a Sponsor. Thank you!

Tin Shingle a training platform and community for businesses, artists and makers who are getting the word out about their business. Tin Shingle teaches PR, social media and content marketing tactics to regular people to help make their pitching and brand story telling smarter, engaging and more appropriate for the media to consider for article features. Tin Shingle is your support system as you're getting the word out about your business.
Learn More >
Tin Shingle is a Sponsor. Thank you!

Working on a new hand painted sign project for Dulce Cielo Mx (located in Hudson Valley Food Hall). Will keep you updated with the progress! If you need a custom painted sign, See information here >, we're happy to help! OR if *you* paint signs, list your service in A Little Beacon Blog’s Business Directory! Anyone from Photographers, Branding Agency, and more can list there. 
PS - IT"S THAT TIME OF YEAR! You NEED to upgrade your website. It's a must! To keep the business going. Reach out!
Homespun Foods >
Barb's Butchery >
Sparrenberger Studio >
Katie James Inc. is a sponsor. Thank you!
Apply here >

Apply here >

Apply here >

List your job in ALBB's Job Listings >


Tin Shingle
Katie James, Inc.

The Main Office at Beacon Digital 

Poughkeepsie Day School 

Witch Hazel >

Faust Design Build

Blue Green Lawns

Antalek & Moore Insurance Agency

Miss Vickies Music

List Your Business In The Business Directory > 
JOIN THESE ADVERTISERS: We create ad packages that work for different types of businesses. Click here for ways to advertise on A Little Beacon Blog and accomplish your goals.

We look forward to highlighting your business and show your support!

Beacon City School Board Considers Formally Changing Name Of Columbus Day

On October 14th, days after the observance of Indigenous People’s Day / Columbus Day, Beacon City School District Superintendent Matthew Landahl emailed district families and caregivers to let them know that the Board of Education was considering and discussing changing the name of the Columbus Day holiday.

This change would be discussed at the January 9, 2023 school board meeting. Public input was requested during the Public Comment portion of the meetings on 10/24/22, 11/7/22, 11/21/22 and 12/12/22. Input could also be emailed to BCSDBOE@beaconk12.org. During the 11/21/22, no public input was spoken. Public Comment is always first on the agenda, and the meetings start promptly at 7am. People can speak in person at the meetings at the Beacon High School or via Zoom. Comments are limited to 4 minutes per person, and the Comment Policy can be found here.

According to reporting at the Highlands Current, a district parent, Jamie Muligan, asked for the change during Public Comment of the September 27, 2022 meeting. Jamie is married to City Council Member Molly Rhodes. According to the article, Dr. Landahl surmised at that meeting “that studying the history of Indigenous people who lived in the Highlands could also be integrated into schools’ curriculum. That’s ‘the point of all this’ discussion, he said. “We do some things already, but there’s more to be done, for sure.”

Columbus Day Name Change Is A Nation-Wide Trend

In June 2021, A school in New Jersey in Randolf Township made national news when their school board voted to change the name to Indigenous People’s Day, according to an article at NPR. But the decision startled parents opposed to such a change. From the article: “Critics have derided the idea of celebrating the Italian explorer, who perpetrated violence on Native Americans when he arrived in the Americas. Boosters say it is critical to recognize the contributions of Christopher Columbus, and that Italian-Americans have historically faced discrimination.”

According to the NPR article, the Randolf Township School Board decided to drop all holiday names to avoid conflict, and called a special meeting to discuss. However, all holidays, including Columbus Day, are named in Randolf Township’s 2022/2023 academic calendar.

According to an article at Forbes, New York City public schools changed the name from Columbus Day to Indigenous People’s Day: “Columbus Day has been federally recognized for nearly 100 years, but the holiday is increasingly polarizing. Many critics argue it’s inappropriate to celebrate Columbus, whose 15th- and 16th-century campaigns through Central America and the Caribbean Sea resulted in the killing and enslavement of many Indigenous people. This history has spurred several cities and states, including Vermont and the District of Columbia, to change the holiday’s name to Indigenous People’s Day.”

However, the name change faced backlash from some people, including a Republican representing Staten Island, Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, who said: “This is just another blatant attempt by City Hall to rewrite history while dishonoring so many of our citizens who are proud Italian Americans and cancel Christopher Columbus, who embodies the immigrant experience and discovery.”

It is unclear why a person defending that part of Italian heritage would want to include the socially acceptable atrocities that Columbus committed to a people who had already discovered themselves, and instead not focus on his skill as a sea faring business man who was employed by other nations in order to expand their Catholic or Christian empire with his voyages (warning: once you read this article at Vox, which includes descriptive letters from leaders on the voyages, you cannot un-read it).

National Proclamations Shift

There was a shift in Proclamations given by President Joe Biden regarding the declaration of Indigenous People’s Day for 2021 and 2022. In the 2021 Proclamation for Indigenous People’s Day, the focus was on Native Americans and their contributions to what is now called the United States of America. There was also a nod to the damage done to Native Americans, when President Biden wrote: “Our country was conceived on a promise of equality and opportunity for all people — a promise that, despite the extraordinary progress we have made through the years, we have never fully lived up to. That is especially true when it comes to upholding the rights and dignity of the Indigenous people who were here long before colonization of the Americas began.”

In 2022, the Proclamation language included new descriptions: “For centuries, Indigenous Peoples were forcibly removed from ancestral lands, displaced, assimilated, and banned from worshiping or performing many sacred ceremonies. Yet today, they remain some of our greatest environmental stewards. They maintain strong religious beliefs that still feed the soul of our Nation. And they have chosen to serve in the United States Armed Forces at a higher rate than any other group.”

However, some Italian communities were offended at the dismissal of the name Columbus, so President Biden created a separate Proclamation for Columbus Day that addressed discrimination faced by Italian Americans. It is unclear why genocide of Native Americans has been compared with racial or class discrimination of Italian Americans. Both are struggles, some physical and violent, but are different.

According to the New York Times, the second name of Italian Heritage Day is being introduced to replace Columbus Day because Columbus Day was created to appease discrimination done to Italian Americans. Says the New York Times: “Some Italian communities have called for a day separate from Columbus Day to celebrate their heritage, as Columbus Day originated partly as a response to anti-Italian sentiment. It was designated a national holiday in 1934, and in 1971 the government declared it a federal holiday to be celebrated the second Monday of each October.”

While there are several calendar days recognizing cultures of different origins, they don’t tend to become national holidays. Reversing Columbus Day, which was named after one man who contributed to a multitude of violent acts to Native Americans and Caribbean people, while employed by Ferdinand II and Isabella I, the Catholic Monarchs of Aragon, Castile, and Leon in Spain, according to Britannica, seems more logical, to name it for the majority of the people he committed to violent acts on, and is not a dismissal of Italian heritage, which has its own beauty and much to celebrate, and may not want to be associated with such horrors.

People who want to voice their opinions on the name change can do so at the 12/12/2022 meeting during Public Comment, or email BCSDBOE@beaconk12.org.

Beacon Councilmember Paloma Wake Praises Creation of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Girls and Two Spirited Peoples Day

Beacon’s City Councilmember At Large, Paloma Wake, often uses her opportunity to deliver a Report on any topic during the publicly broadcast City Council Meetings every other week to shine awareness on Native American lands, including the land that Beacon is defined as today.

Councilmember Paloma’s full-time job is with Forge Project, a native-woman-led initiative focused on Indigenous art, decolonial education, and supporting native leaders in all fields. The drive of the Forge Project’s mission is to “acknowledge that we are situated on the unceded and ancestral homelands of the Muh-he-con-ne-ok, the Peoples of the Waters that Are Never Still, and to recognize that there is a history to this land that is older than we are and pay honor and respect to this history and to the Elders, past, present, and future.”

Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons Awareness day

In the spirit of the federal holiday that is Thanksgiving, ALBB is publishing the awareness piece Councilmember Paloma delivered earlier in May 2022 to recognize the newly designated proclamation designating May 5 as Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons Awareness Day.

At ALBB’s request, Councilmember Paloma’s submitted a lengthier version of her comments to be published here:

“This week holds a national day of awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Girls and Two Spirited Peoples. A 2018 report from Urban Indian Health Institute (UIHI) identifies murder as the the third leading cause of death among American Indian and Alaska Native women and girls aged 10-24. A 2016 study by the Native Institute of Justice demonstrated that more than four in five American Indian and Alaska Native women have experienced violence in their lifetime. On some reservations, American Indian and Alaska Native women face murder rates that are more than 10 times the national average.

“On May 4th, 2021 President Biden issued a proclamation designating May 5th as Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons Awareness day, calling on all Americans and levels of government to support Tribal governments and Tribal communities' efforts to increase awareness of the issue of Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska natives.

“While none of us alive today bear personal responsibility for the actions of our ancestors, I believe we have a greater duty to respect the lives of those whose ancestors stewarded this land that we live on today for thousands of years.

“The crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Peoples deserves this national day of awareness.

“Along with sharing this information, I would like to acknowledge that the City of Beacon sits on the ancestral lands of Muh-he-con-ne-ok the Peoples Of The Waters That Are Never Still whose living descendants now reside on federal reservations in Wisconsin as the Stockbridge Munsee Band and in Oklahoma as the Delaware Nation and the Delaware Nation and the Delaware Tribe of Indians.”

Resources Supporting Reform And Recreation Of Laws Supporting Native American Women

Councilperson Paloma provided resources where one can learn more about why this issue exists, and why it is because of existing legislation that there is little accountability.

According to National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center: “The crisis of MMIW is a national crime pattern. The complete storyboard for this crime pattern is not two individuals and a crime scene but all of the above--the government, culture, and economics--layered upon the lives of Native women and Indian nations. Understanding the legal and social infrastructure that place Native women in harm’s way are essential to changing this crime story of the last 500 years.

“It also requires reeducation of mainstream America to understand both the past and present truths of American Indian Nations and the women of those Nations. This two-fold process of legal reform and cultural reeducation can direct the changes required at the national, state, and county levels.”

Resources are here:

Councilperson Paloma is a fourth generation Japanese American with no ancestral ties to Native Americans.

Open Call To Beaconites To Address Land-Justice In Beacon

Councilmember Paloma is issuing an open-call to anyone in Beacon who would be interested in joining her in a working-group to address land-justice in Beacon. “The group would likely start with a Land Acknowledgement, and address our City welcome signs.” Councilperson Paloma continued: “I am looking to do focus on self-education, research and knowledge-sharing in the first half of the year, and then outreach and public information campaigns leading up to Native American Heritage Month, which is in November.”

For those interested, she can be reached at pwake@beaconny.gov or at 845-418-2452

Lest You Doubt...Refill Your Soul On Black Friday On Beacon's Main Street

Well....We made it past The Day is that is the kick-off of the holiday season here. Did you have the food you wanted? Did you have the dried flower centerpieces you wanted?

Hopefully you did because it's all available in Beacon on Main Street. When we say you will come away from shopping in Beacon with the most unique style that people will ask you where you got, we are not exaggerating. If you think that shopping local in Beacon is a compromise, like you won't get cool stuff, then we can tell you right now with 100% certainty you are missing out.

Not sure where to start? Give yourself one goal, and then hunt for it in the shops using A Little Beacon Blog's Shopping Guide, which names all shops and addresses with descriptions. Here's an example:

More ALBB Recommendations:
Hudson Valley Goldsmith is hosting a Trunk Show all weekend long (located near Homespun)! Name a better stocking stuffer?! Rings, pendants, bracelets, and earrings with natural diamonds in silver & gold will be available. More details are listed below!

We heard Witch Hazel will be having some refreshments upon arrival as well as some deals that you definitely don't want to miss out on! Clean beauty lovers on your list? Check!

Oh, and those eye/sunglasses that you've been meaning to replace? No better time than now! Luxe Optique is hosting a BoGo 40% off! (some exclusions apply)

More details below!

Forget about the rain. Grab a coffee or matcha (with oat milk) and go!

PS: It's the last month of the year to visit with Stony Kills Farm's livestock on the weekends. Copper the Bourbon Red turkey and the flock will be checking you out from their outdoor pen! Open Barn will resume again in February.


Book an Event Promotion Advertising spot here.
You can sponsor this Event Guide with your event, for extra promotion of it!
If you'd like to guarantee to see your entertainment event listed here.
Edited and Written By Teslie Andrade and Katie Hellmuth Martin

BeaconArts - 2022 Member Exhibition
Days: Saturdays & Sundays - November 5-27 *last weekend!
Time: 12pm-6pm
Location: KuBe Art Center, 3rd fl. Gallery, 211 Fishkill Ave. Beacon, New York

Hudson Valley Goldsmith: Trunk Show
Days & Times:
Friday, November, 25, 2022 from 11am-6pm
Saturday, November 26, 2022 from 11am-6pm and
Sunday, November 27, 2022 from 10am-4pm 
Kick off your holiday shopping Thanksgiving weekend with a brand new line of stylish jewelry! These pieces make great gifts and stocking stuffers. Rings, pendants, bracelets & earrings with natural diamonds in silver & gold starting at $129. Sujan founded LuvMyJewelry with one mission in mind: to design jewelry that tells stories and gives us a renewed sense of purpose. "With each handcrafted design, I made a promise to craft a relatable, poetic story that builds a personal, intimate connection with you. I write the poetry myself :)
Hudson Valley Goldsmith is a Sponsor, thank you!

5th Annual Beacon Christmas Tree Lighting 2022
Saturday, November 26, 2022
Time: 4pm
Location: Polhill Park, Beacon, NY
Free entertainment featuring Alyssa Warner, Singing and leading, caroling with Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, and Scouts BSA 41 and B&G. Free raffle! Free ornament kit!

Holiday Kickoff with Santa
Sunday, November 27, 2022
Time: 10am-1pm
Location: 87 Haviland Road, Highland, NY 12528
Santa will arrive at the Walkway Over the Hudson State Historic Park on Sunday, November 27. Bring your kids, your dogs—the whole family—for this fun photo opportunity with Santa. Photos taken with Santa will be available online at walkway.org, or visitors may take their own photos.
Information >


Hop and Shop is back for its 5th year in Beacon, which is when stores are open late on Thursday and Friday (12/8 and 12/9). Do your Black Friday shopping on Main Street after T-gifting (oops! typo haha), and then return for another special set of deal nights and shopping under the warm holiday glow.

A Little Beacon Blog is a proud sponsor this year, which enables all businesses to participate for free. View their map, and deals will be announced 12/5. We see that fellow sponsor and hair stylist Sullivan and Main has announced her special deal - 20% off on gift cards and product.

Check our Calendar and Events Guide regularly for upcoming events throughout the week!

ALBB's Restaurant Guide to show you which restaurants are open on Mondays!
See it here >

It's always a pleasure eating and drinking your way through Beacon, so we created this guide to help you know where to eat and drink as you explore the town. Feature your restaurant/eatery in the guide & be featured in this weekly newsletter! Promote your seasonal dishes/drinks, specials, events, etc. Click here for more details >
3091 U.S. 9, Cold Spring, NY

It's easy to dig into the leftovers and we're all for it at times but maybe you had enough?! And we get that. There is only so much turkey and stuffing you can eat (or not). Either way, you might as well pick up some Eat Church while you're out and about shopping! Grab-n-go at Marbled Meat Shop or take a break tonight and stop into Dogwood where Eat Church will be serving up deliciousness until 10pm! Maybe you swing by Industrial Arts Brewing for a refreshment and quick bite. 
Find Eat Church Almost Everywhere!
- Industrial Arts Brewing from Friday-Sunday
- Straight from the grocery case at Marbled Meat Shop - ready to go! Why cook lunch for the work week?!
- Dogwood Beacon on Tuesday-Sunday from 5pm-10pm
Order Online >
Keep up with all of the delicious pop-ups and events here >
You can also visit their website for Weekly Menu/Specials >
Eat Church is a Sponsor, thank you!

288 Main Street, Beacon, NY
If you haven't tried Dulce Cielo Mexico yet, this is your sign. DO IT! Pictured here is their delicous tacos, enchiladas, quesadillas y fajitas con espalda de puerco asada, pollo, pico de gallo, mole negro, rojo, guacamole y totopos de maiz y trigo! Nothing like a quick pick-me-up while out and about on Main St. this weekend!
Located inside the HV Food Hall!
Follow HV Food Hall's foodies:
Miz Hattie's BBQ: Southern Style BBQ, from North Carolina. Order ahead via their Toast-app menu!
El Nica: Nicaraguan Food
Roosevelt Bar: Cocktail Bar in a well-ventilated space with Outdoor Patio!
Shmuck's Sweet Stuff: Local Ice Cream, Hot Waffles, and Other Sweet Stuff
Hudson Shawarma: Falafels, shawarma, baklava, and platters 
Ciao Chow - Hand made pasta and fried rice
Dulce Cielo Mexico: authentic Mexican street food with vegetarian and vegan options.
Hudson Valley Food Hall is a Sponsor, thank you!

BAJA 328
328 Main Street, Beacon, NY
And when all the shopping is done this weekend, and all of the delicious food has been eaten, you stop into Baja, for a late night snack (like their cheese nachos filled with fresh cotija, cheddar, NYS Local Cheese Blend, Crema, Guacamole ((Add Jalapeños)), Pickled Red Onions, Mushrooms, Corn Salsa, Tomatoes Bell Pepper,  Caramelized Onion, Black Beans, and the option to add, Pico De Gall, Shrimp $6, NYS Plymouth Ground Beef, Murray’s Fajita Chicken, Hudson Valley Chorizo, or Carnitas! Did we mention a refreshing and festive cocktail or mocktail?!
PS: Happy Hour Tues-Fri 4-6pm
Check out their specialty drinks > 
Check out the specials >
BAJA 328 is a Sponsor, thank you!

Shopping! So fun, yet so strategic. With so many options to shop on Main Street, we compiled a Shopping Guide that includes every single shop in Beacon for your shopping and bookmarking pleasure! If you run a shop or boutique in Beacon and want to sponsor the shopping guide, be included in this Friday Feature newsletter, and get a nifty photo gallery in the guide, click here for more details >
176 Main Street, Beacon
Maybe you noticed... IT'S COLD! Like, January cold... And that means it's time for a very, very good moisturizer. The absolute most hydrating one is available at Witch Hazel! Ursa Major Golden Hour Recovery Cream. You just need a dime-sized dab (or even a little less) for your whole face and neck, and it feels like the coziest blanket for tired, dry, over-it skin. It also smells great, with a hint of aspen bark extract, rosemary leaf extract, sandalwood oil and citrus notes. Perfect for morning and night, or dab on a little extra for an overnight "mask" effect. 
PS* Holiday steals & deals happening this weekend! Do not miss out!
10-6 everyday EXCEPT Tuesday & Wednesday
Stay tuned for the next floral workshop & Follow Witch Hazel on Instagram! > 
Order florals > 

226 Main St Retail 2
(845) 255-5872
Kick off your holiday shopping and Thanksgiving weekend the right way with a brand new line of stylish jewelry! Hudson Valley Goldsmith's Trunk Show will happen right here at the Beacon shop! All weekend long - 25th, 26th & 27th at 226 Main St Beacon NY. These delicate and beautiful pieces make great gifts and stocking stuffers! Rings, pendants, bracelets & earrings with natural diamonds in silver & gold starting at $129 (a steal!)
Tuesday-Thursday: 10:00am-5:00pm
Friday-Saturday: 10:00am-6:00pm
Shop Jewelry >
Hudson Valley Goldsmith is a Sponsor, thank you!

18 West Main Street, Beacon
Do you have mice in your cupboards? And need containers for the snacks? Brett’s has your bins! (Asking for a friend…and not a mouse friend) Okay, but truly, Brett's has all of your home needs! Including containers that we almost need for everything! And you know what's hard? Gifting for adults or college kids. But say no more, THIS is it. Containers and storage and organization because we all need it and we never seem to buy this for ourselves! Stop into Bretts for gifts, space heaters, snow essentials, winter car essentials, and so much more!
Monday-Friday 7:30am - 7pm
Saturday 8am - 6pm
Sunday 9am - 5pm
Brett's Hardware is a Sponsor, thank you!

181-183 Main Street, Beacon
CALLING ALL JACQUES MARIE MAGE ENTHUSIASTS! The Luxe team works directly with their brands to curate the best possible selection of eyewear! They had such an amazing day working with their Jacque Marie Mage brand representative and cannot wait to show off the summer line for spring of 2023! Stay tuned for more! In the mean time, POP IN this weekend for 40% BoGo deals! Their Buy One Get One 40% off Black Friday Sale is officially back by popular demand! TODAY, Friday November 25th & Saturday November 26th at both the Beacon & Hudson Locations.
PS: Appointments required for exams.
PPS Both Locations (Beacon & Hudson) are open from 10 AM - 6 PM Tuesday-Saturday & Beacon is only open on Mondays from 10 AM - 5 PM. 
PPPS*** You can now get a free eye exam in Hudson through Dec 31!
Shop Online >
Luxe Optique is a Sponsor, thank you!
Yanarella Dance Studio
312 Main St., Beacon, NY

Check out all of Yanarella's classes to find the best one(s) for you! > 

Sign up for sessions or pay $23 for a drop in! Maybe to test which class(es) you'd enjoy the most!

Located on Main Street in Historic Beacon, the studio has been guiding and instructing students since 1957- over 60 years ago! 

Register Online >
Yanarella is a Sponsor, thank you!

Kids Improv Workshop & Jam
Day: Sunday, December 4, 2022
Time: 1:30pm-3:00pm
Location: 22 Kent St., Room #109, Beacon, NY 12508 (Old Beacon High School)
The first half of the jam has lessons with warm-up games, foundational exercises while the second half is fun, silly, practice play with a break in between. Small groups will be broken out by age as needed. Absolutely zero experience is needed to attend any session!
Information >
Serious. Comedy Theatre is a Sponsor, thank you!

IMPROV 101- FALL 2022
Class meets:
TUESDAYS from 7-10pm
6 sessions: October 25- December 6
Class Showcase: Sunday, December 11 (time TBD)
Teacher: Connor
Classes meet at: 22 Kent St., Room #109, Beacon, NY 12508 (Old Beacon High School)
Information >
Explore all classes >
Serious. Comedy Theatre is a Sponsor, thank you!


Beacon has a growing number of beauty salons and professional pampering to take advantage of - you can even book a transforming appointment at a lash bar! Be it a totally new hair style, or a facial, you have options in Beacon. Plus, one of the most enjoyable gifts you can give to someone is a gift certificate. So we have included links to where you can buy a gift certificate from any of these fine services that offers one. Check out ALBB's Beauty Guide here >

Special Message For Businesses: If you want to advertise in this Guide with a picture, logo and promotions, please click here.

340 Main Street, Beacon

Did you know?! According to the National Fire Protection Association, cooking is the number one cause of home fires and home injuries. Be especially careful when cooking, not just when frying your Thanksgiving turkey - and make sure your homeowner's insurance coverage is up to date!
Latest Announcements >
Antalek & Moore is a Sponsor. Thank you!

Tin Shingle a training platform and community for businesses, artists and makers who are getting the word out about their business. Tin Shingle teaches PR, social media and content marketing tactics to regular people to help make their pitching and brand story telling smarter, engaging and more appropriate for the media to consider for article features. Tin Shingle is your support system as you're getting the word out about your business.
Learn More >
Tin Shingle is a Sponsor. Thank you!

INTRODUCING... Hand Painted Design Services now at Katie James, Inc.!
The picture above is a special delivery for All You Knead. The assignment was to paint her existed logo onto the sign her carpenter husband made. Let us do yours... let us do the work... hand made with love, of course. See information here > 
PS - stop thinking about whether you need a new/updated website or not, you do! And we can do it all.
Homespun Foods >
Barb's Butchery >
Sparrenberger Studio >
Katie James Inc. is a sponsor. Thank you!
Apply here >

Apply here >

Apply here >

List your job in ALBB's Job Listings >


Tin Shingle
Katie James, Inc.

The Main Office at Beacon Digital 

Poughkeepsie Day School 

Witch Hazel >

Faust Design Build

Blue Green Lawns

Antalek & Moore Insurance Agency

Miss Vickies Music

List Your Business In The Business Directory > 
JOIN THESE ADVERTISERS: We create ad packages that work for different types of businesses. Click here for ways to advertise on A Little Beacon Blog and accomplish your goals.

We look forward to highlighting your business and show your support!